Saturday 21 December 2013

Resources on gender, and gender & corruption

In 2012 and 2013, I carried out short series of gender sensitisation and gender mainstreaming training for organisations that work on development, human rights and governance issues. Some of the materials that have inspired the training are in the public domain. My favourites are:

  • The gender training manuals by the UK Department for International Development (DfID) and the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). Click on this link to find both resources; the SDC toolkit is available in English, French and Spanish. You will also find a folder with a guide on 'mainstreaming' work to end violence against women into development interventions which I have written for Oxfam International (in Arabic, English, French and Spanish).
  • The OECD DAC Guiding Principles for Aid Effectiveness, Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, as well as OECD Guidelines for Gender Equality and a handy sourcebook on Concepts and approaches can be found in this folder - as well as on the OECD Gender Equality pages.
  • Basic concepts in gender analysis are nicely explained in this presentation by the Dutch Royal Tropical Institute (KIT). For more KIT resources on gender and development (including a recent course on gender in value chains), see the KIT site. 
  • I have also compiled a set of resources on gender-sensitive communication.
  • Ten studies and other documents on gender and accountability and gender and corruption are available here; I have compiled them from various web sources.
  • I have also built a folder with good gender and development resources in French.That folder includes a few training modules I prepared in 2012, inspired chiefly by the excellent series (in French) by Le Monde Selon les Femmes, a Belgian NGO specialised in gender and development. Unfortunately, most of their materials are available as hard copies only.
One caveat: the vast majority of these resources focus on gender in terms of the familiar male-female dichotomy. Arguably, discrimination and violence against women are gender issues that affect the largest numbers of people. But discrimination and violence against sexual minorities, transgender and intersexual persons are also gender issues. I hope that soon, gender manuals will include references and practical tips around the Yogyakarta Principles - an application of international human rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity. Click on "Yogyakarta Principles" to find the doucment in all six United Nations languages.

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