Thursday 10 September 2015

Emerging Evaluators meeting virtually and in real life

My occasional associate Wolfgang Stuppert is part of the Emerging Evaluators' Network of the European Evaluation Society (EES). He has invited me to broadcast this invitation to the First Virtual Conference for Emerging Evaluators. Here it is:

On 19 September 2015, the First Virtual Conference for Emerging Evaluators will take place. On that day, from 3 pm to 8 pm [Berlin time, I presume], more than 100 emerging evaluators will gather on-line to discuss the bright and not-so-bright sides of their profession.
There will be a high-profile opening session, after which emerging evaluators will discuss evaluation methodology, pathways into the evaluation business, and the strengthening of emerging evaluators’ networks in three parallel workshops.

All participants’ slots are long taken, but there is a backdoor: There are physical meetings on 19 September in several cities across Europe. One will take place in Berlin as well, and participation in that meeting is almost free (we'll ask for a contribution to room rent and snacks of 5 to 10 Euros, depending on the number of participants). The place for the meeting is the Impact Hub Berlin.

The only restrictions: The physical meeting as a whole will participate in one of the three workshops. For the group in Berlin, this is the workshop on “Coming to Evaluation from Other Professions”. Please klick HERE for more Information. And, places are limited for the physical meeting. If you would like to participate in the Berlin meeting, please drop the host a line at as soon as you can. First come, first served.

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