Monday 13 July 2020

My first hackathon #EvalHack

The International Programme for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) has moved its 2020 summer school on-line. As an extra, it has opened up its online evaluation hackathon to external people - like me. I have taken up the invitation, registering for my first evaluation hackathon. Our group challenge was to develop a prototype for efficiency measurement. This is what we have come up with: Evaluation United. If you like it, scroll to the bottom of that web page and LIKE it; we're in a competition! 
The hackathon has been a most delightful experience. Our team was composed of people who had never met before, online or off-line, hauling from six different countries and several time zones, from Eastern Pakistan to Washington D.C. in the USA. It took us just one conversation to define a challenge that was interesting - and very challenging! - to all of us. We had just a few hours a day to come up with a solution, working at odd hours. It has been utterly inspiring, embarking the participants on a mind-boggling learning experience, especially on design thinking and online collaboration. Oh, and I learned how to record an explainer video - in just half an hour! 

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